Site Work Continues at FRC East C130 MRO Complex

At the FRC East C130 MRO Complex site, things are moving along! Site work is ongoing, with a continuous stream of dump trucks delivering fill dirt to build up the site and the building foundations. Given the size of the site, which is 60 acres, extensive preparation is necessary, carefully considering the end use, which will be C130 aircraft transversing the site.

Barnhill Contracting and TA Loving Company jointly manage the project, bringing in resources from across Eastern North Carolina to get the job done.

Once complete, the complex will provide Fleet Readiness Center East, a Naval Aviation maintenance and repair depot under Naval Air Systems Command space for maintenance operations on C130s and other Air Force and Navy aircraft.

This project is expected to significantly impact Eastern NC, as it is set to bring over 400 jobs to the NC Global Transpark within the EDR region.

#NorthCarolinaGlobalTransPark #C130 #Navy #FRCEast #TALoving #Barnhill